Virtual School: study anytime, anywhere
Students who love to learn
Discover a different kind of virtual school
Union of thought and industry
Do meaningful work
Flexible schedules
Experience Guidepost Academy virtual school
A community of work
Students connect and apply the knowledge and skills of our courses to their own passions, interests and ideas to collaborate on projects and produce authentic work. Our students create films and write novels, find internships and start businesses, publish essays and engage in advocacy. All Guidepost Academy Virtual School students engage in deliberately chosen, scaffolded, personal passion projects.
Students connect and apply the knowledge and skills of our courses to their own passions, interests and ideas to collaborate on projects and produce authentic work. Our students create films and write novels, find internships and start businesses, publish essays and engage in advocacy. All Guidepost Academy Virtual School students engage in deliberately chosen, scaffolded, personal passion projects.
Choose your own courses
Guidepost Academy Virtual School offers distinctive core courses that provide the power tools of knowledge that serve as rocket fuel for a full life. Broadly our courses explore the dimensions of human experience, thought, progress and creativity and offer the foundations for a student’s development of their understanding and relationship to the world
Guidepost Academy Virtual School offers distinctive core courses that provide the power tools of knowledge that serve as rocket fuel for a full life. Broadly our courses explore the dimensions of human experience, thought, progress and creativity and offer the foundations for a student’s development of their understanding and relationship to the world
Individual coaching
Each student works with a coach whose role is to help the student identify their unique goals, connect to resources and networks, help students overcome challenges and map their progress. A student’s coach provides ongoing individualized support and is a champion for each student’s educational journey.
Each student works with a coach whose role is to help the student identify their unique goals, connect to resources and networks, help students overcome challenges and map their progress. A student’s coach provides ongoing individualized support and is a champion for each student’s educational journey.
Our Leadership Team and School Guides
Dr. Ann Orsinger
Head of School
Erin Whisenant
Assistant Head of School
Summer Evans
Middle School Math Guide
Jeremy Beach
MS Science Guide (East)
Hannah Woznuck
MS Humanities Guide (East)
Jennifer Albrecht-Ayala
MSHumanities Guide (West)
Emma Godwin
High School Humanities Guide
Andrea LejaMeyer
HS World & U.S.History Guide
Mary Donovan
HS Algebra I & II Guide16
Sharon Cravanas
ATI College Counselor
Ian Caveny
High School Humanities Guide
Stories from our Blog
Five Reasons I Love ATI Virtual School
Why ATI Virtual School Was Just What These Twins Needed to Succeed
ATI Testimonials: A Parent's Perspective
Accredited and approved
Earning accreditation from the Cognia Global Accreditation Commission means that the system and all of its domestic and international schools are accredited, and that Guidepost Academy is recognized across the nation as meeting the Cognia Standards of Quality.
Contact Us!
Phone: 714 709 8598
Phone: 714 709 8598
Experience school on your terms
Join a school community designed to support your education with coaching, small classes, and a commitment to our core values. Engage in deep study and personal exploration as a student at Guidepost Academy.
Learn more about our:
Visit Higher Ground Education to learn more about our mission to make learner-centered education the mainstream.