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What is Guidepost Academy?
Virtual School

A dedicated coach to help you thrive

We focus on developing the whole person. With a combination of support and freedom, Guidepost Academy enables you to define your values, set goals, take risks, and chart your own path
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Individual coaching

A coach occupies a different kind of role in a young adult's life: a coach is not a teacher, a friend, a parent, or a therapist.

A coach serves as a supportive thought partner; a practical, skill- and action-oriented companion who helps the student gain the skills and confidence they need to navigate middle and high school, and beyond.

Individual coaching
The adolescent must never be treated as a child, for that is a stage of life that he has surpassed. It is better to treat an adolescent as if he had greater value than he actually shows than as if he had less and let him feel that his merits and self-respect are disregarded.
Maria Montessori

Achieve your goals

Adolescence is a period of immense growth, when students are looking to define who they are, where they belong, and what they can contribute to a community. This is a time of goal-setting: trying to figure out both WHAT you want, and HOW to achieve it.

At Guidepost Academy, every student works with a personal coach to scaffold and support this process of growth and transition.

How it works

Guidepost Academy's coaching framework has been developed by trained psychologists to produce a coaching structure that is unique and powerful. It’s based on the fundamental premise that students are capable of authoring their own lives.

Our coaching framework is built around two basic principles:

  • That every student is capable and worthy of self-creation.
  • That self-creation is complex, ambitious work that requires self-knowledge, and is gained through self-directed action. In other words, the combination of thought and industry.

Life coaching for Teens

Even if you’re not a student at an Guidepost Academy school, you can have an Guidepost Academy coach! Coaching is available to any interested student in 6th - 12th grades. Coaching sessions take place virtually and can work around your schedule. Contact us to learn more.

Experience school on your terms

Join a school community designed to support your education with coaching, small classes, and a commitment to our core values. Engage in deep study and personal exploration as a student at Guidepost Academy.

Learn more about our:

Visit Higher Ground Education to learn more about our mission to make learner-centered education the mainstream.

Get Started
Fill out the form to learn more about the program, tuition, and availability at your desired campus.