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What is Guidepost Academy?
Virtual School
For middle and high school students

Network Courses

Network courses represent an exciting opportunity for you to meet Guides and students across our entire program and to work with industry experts to do deep work in an area of interest for you. All courses start January 17! Contact us at
10 weeks starting January 17
Network Courses

Drawing and Creative Practice

Mondays and Thursdays; semester-long

11 AM Pacific Time | 12 PM Mountain Time | 1 PM Central Time | 2 PM Eastern Time

Guide: David Tenorio

In "Drawing & Creative Practice", students will improve their drawing abilities and come to understand the idea of "creative practice" and its effects on how we create art. Students will enhance their observational skills and understanding of the world at large. Together with classmates, students will analyze artwork from a number of artistic arenas (including fine art, illustration and entertainment design) and evaluate its function, appeal and success. In Socratic-style discussions, everyone will share their artwork and learn the culture of critique and how to respectfully discuss art. There will be reading, writing, speaking, and drawing every single class.

Mondays and Thursdays; semester-long

11 AM Pacific Time | 12 PM Mountain Time | 1 PM Central Time | 2 PM Eastern Time

View introduction here

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Digital Art

Tuesdays and Fridays; semester-long

11 AM Pacific Time | 12 PM Mountain Time | 1 PM Central Time | 2 PM Eastern Time

Guide: David Tenorio

"Digital Art" is a foundational art course designed to introduce students to digital painting as well as art theory surrounding illustration, concept art and more. This course will introduce the steps, tools and layer modes commonly used in digital art through assignments that cover character art, animals, item design and special FX. The professional art programs discussed will include Photoshop, Procreate, and Clip Studio. Students will engage in critique sessions and learn to discuss both their own art as well as images created by working artists. By the end of this course, students will have a reliable digital painting workflow and the necessary skills to produce digital art that is measurable to industry standards.

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The Stock Market Challenge: How to manage your finances and invest

Mondays and Thursdays; quarter-long

11 AM Pacific Time | 12 PM Mountain Time | 1 PM Central Time | 2 PM Eastern Time

Guide: Laura Pascal

You have just inherited $100,000! The stipulation is that you can't spend your money, yet; you must invest it in the stock market until you turn twenty-one. The mission: familiarize yourself with the stock market and personal finance and then decide on what would be some good investments. Manage a virtual $100,000 stock portfolio and invest stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETF’s found on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq over a 6-week period. If you want to learn more about how to manage your personal finances, understand how the stock market works, and learn how you can invest, then this class is for you!

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Speech and Debate

Tuesdays and Fridays; quarter-long

11 AM Pacific Time | 12 PM Mountain Time | 1 PM Central Time | 2 PM Eastern Time

Guide: Laura Pascal

For those of you who have a fear of public speaking or want to improve on your argumentation skills, come learn to prepare, organize, and present a speech in front of an audience and develop the argumentation skills to win every debate. You will practice a variety of speech formats, learn formal and informal public speaking techniques for audience, purpose, and occasion, use research and writing skills to support selected topics and points of view across a range of disciplines and sources, and experience the magic of becoming more confident in front of an audience so that you can win every argument!

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Scientific Inaccuracies of Hollywood

Tuesdays; semester-long

2 PM Pacific Time | 3 PM Mountain Time | 4 PM Central Time | 5 PM Eastern Time

*If there is enough interest, a second section may be added on Mondays at 2 PM Pacific Time.

Guide: Jeremy Beach

Movies have the power to transport us to amazing times and places providing pleasant distractions from everyday life. Comedies make us laugh, dramas make us cry and thrillers make us think. For over a century, a genre of movie that has inspired the imagination of the masses is science fiction. Real scientific theories infused with the fantasy of Hollywood have thrilled and enthralled audiences from black-and-white horror movies like, “Frankenstein” to disaster films like, “Twister.” We are asked by Hollywood to suspend reality; to suspend disbelief and accept what we are seeing on the silver screen is possible. But sometimes, it isn’t that easy to do.

We have all had experiences where we question the reality of something happening in a movie. I love Indiana Jones, but I was definitely forced to question his ability to survive a nuclear explosion. In this science elective, those types of questions will be asked, analyzed and discussed. Scientific inaccuracies in Hollywood movies have been around since the dawn of movies; sometimes intentionally to add dramatic effect and sometimes unintentionally. We will watch movies like: Jurassic Park, The Day After Tomorrow, Star Wars, and others to question the scientific possibilities in the movies. Is it conceivable to bring dinosaurs back from extinction? Can climate change cause an ice age? Is it viable to build a lightsaber?

These questions and more will be considered in this fun and engaging scientific adventure. You will learn about science in this class, but you will also gain valuable life skills like: thinking critically and creatively, articulating an argument based on research and the ability to critique fallacies. Your communication and research skills will be enhanced as you construct an argument for or against a scientific event in movies and support that argument with credible evidence. This course focuses on enhancing your reading, writing and discussion skills while watching awesome movies. The culmination of the course will be you choosing a scientific movie of your own and creating a project or research paper critiquing the science of the movie. By the end of the course, you will have mastered objectives related to creating scientifically literate citizens. Please join me as we travel a galaxy far far away, come face to face with prehistoric creatures, strive to survive cataclysmic climate disasters and so much more.

Prerequisite: None. This class is available to all students.

Special Requirements: A permission slip listing the movies that will be watched and discussed in class will need to be completed by a parent/guardian in order to participate in the course.

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